Intelligent Networking systems & Future InterNet InfrasTructurE (INFINITE) Lab


Journal Articles


Google Scholar Citations


Group Members

Recent News:

  • August 2024: One paper gets accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
  • August 2024: One paper gets accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.
  • July 2024: Two papers get accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2024.
  • June 2024: Dr. Zhu is appointed as a Series Editor of the Optical Communications and Networks Series in IEEE Communications Magazine.
  • June 2024: One paper gets accepted by Journal of Lightwave Technology.
  • June 2024: Dr. Zhu received the Malathi Veeraraghavan ONTC Service Award from IEEE ComSoc.
  • View more news about us.

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